četrtek, 30. april 2020

Jakob (30.4.2020)

They arrived in a peaceful place. It looked like a japanese garden, that had many cherry trees. There was one tree that stood out on top of a small hill. It was the only one, that wasn’t in blossom. In front of the tree was a young man. It looked like he was praying to it. They had a discussion about whether or not should they approach the man. They decided to go to him, as he looked fairly familiar. As they were walking to him they saw time around them passing, but when they stopped or went back a little, time did the same. As they were walking down the avenue they found it rather magical. They saw different names written on each of the trees. One of them had their names, but not father’s. They were now very close to that special tree. They then saw, that the man aged a lot during their walk. As they approached him, he greeted them“ You have finally arrived” he said. “I have been waiting for a long time and I know that you are here because of your father Lola” he said with great honor. “ Your father is far away from here, but I’m afraid, that it is too late for him - he broke to many rules” he said with great sadness. Lola opened her mouth in tears saying: “What did he do, who is even my real father?”. The man stood up and turned to them: “I’m. I have been here for so long and had to break many rules to get you here. ”. “ This is the last time, you will see me” he whispered to them. He then fell to his knees and slowly disappeared. They were both crying. They saw in their cry something black spreading from where they came, a disease and an opening in the tree. They jumped into it and came back to the real world exhausted and pale. They could feel, how their magical powers were wearing off.

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Jakob (30.4.2020)

They arrived in a peaceful place. It looked like a japanese garden, that had many cherry trees. There was one tree that stood out on top of ...